The Right Coast

November 25, 2005
University obsolete?
By Tom Smith

Food for thought.

BTW fellow blawgers, is there any reason we should not start recording our lectures, and making them available for iPod consumption? Or other downloadable format? I'm not sure it would take more than a digital videocamera. I'm certainly willing to raise it with my dean if you are. I will be teaching Corporations next semester, using the casebook by Bainbridge and those other two pre-Web guys. The popularity of the class varies from year to year, but if it were free, what's to complain about?

Or maybe even webcast it as well. Maybe you would get some feedback, like "that joke you told about Warren Buffet was really out of line," or whatever, from people not worried about grades. Or maybe even useful comments from lawyers out in the field. "You misunderstand X; it works like this . . ." If we are being rendered obsolete, we might as well enjoy it.