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September 01, 2005
This is just wrong By Tom Smith This is inexcusable. What on earth does it mean when some official says that the national guard can't go in to the convention center yet because they might be going "in harm's way." Last night on MSNBC, a reporter in NO said she saw a bus turn away a mom and kids because it was reserved to take police out of town. Helicopters aren't landing because somebody shot at them. This is, excuse me, just bullshit. It is the job of the national guard to go in harm's way. That's why they carry guns. The police should leave last, not first. I know there are many heros in NO and I respect them, and praise them. But this idea that the city has to be made safe before the people who should be making it safe can go in, has to stop. Does the NYFD and NYPD have to go down there to show them how it is done? And what is this nonsense about, oh, I was shot at, so I guess I can't go anywhere near there. I've been shot at, by some druggie redneck lowlife. He missed. I was glad. Life went on. Most people miss. It is very hard to hit anything at any distance with a gun. It's not TV. For heaven's sake, send in the helicopters, put some kevlar vests on the crew, send in a few guardsmen with them, and get to work. Get the national guard in there. Start shooting a few looters. Get a grip. This is driving me nuts. OK, I will stop now. |