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July 26, 2004
Cinder story By Tom Smith We'll probably see more and more stories about what a jerk Kerry is, and that's fine with me. Here's a little sample: Granted staggering wealth on the basis of marriage, Kerry seems to believe he deserves it, and perhaps always has. Such, at least, is the popular perception among the voters who know him best. "One of the surest ways to get the phones ringing on any Massachusetts talk-radio show is to ask people to call in and tell their John Kerry stories," says Howie Carr, the Boston Herald columnist and radio host. "The phone lines are soon filled, and most of the stories have a common theme: The junior senator pulling rank on one of his constituents, breaking in line, demanding to pay less (or nothing), or ducking out before the bill arrives. The tales often have one other common thread. Most end with Sen. Kerry inquiring of the lesser mortal: 'Do you know who I am?'" Just For Kerry is a common Bostonian take on what his initials stand for; and a possible insight into his priorities could be inferred from his tax records for the year 1993 (when he was between wives), in which he earned $130,345 and gave exactly $175 to charity, while indulging in an $8,600 Italian-made mountain bike for himself. via RCP. I'm not sure it matters if POTUS is a jerk, as far as policies go. It will be nasty if we have to watch the press suck up to JK and Lady H, however. Watching people get sucked up to, who want to be sucked up to, is the worst. Maybe somebody should start a website where authentic Kerry anecdotes could be posted. |