The Right Coast

November 04, 2003
Favorite Weapons Part III
By Tom Smith

Steve Bainbridge takes a philosophical turn on the favorite weapon debate, nominating a Marine and his rifle. This puts me in an awkward position, as I hardly want to take the part of hardware over wetware.

But as Steve opened the human factor door, I will walk through. Marines are hard men and women, there's no doubt. I have had many Marines as students over the years, and they make good students as well. It may be because 12 hours in the law library doesn't seem that tough compared to humping a 60 pound pack for 30 miles.

Though they would be the first to tell you, you've also got to love the SEALs. Having seen the awful G.I Jane, about lady SEALs, I asked a former SEAL who was a student of mine if it were true, as in the movie, that SEALs captured during manuevers were tortured to add realism to the exercise. "Well," he said, "they do this thing where they cover your face with a cloth and pour water on it until you pass out, but I wouldn't say tortured."

I guess I shouldn't admit I sort of liked Starship Troopers (the movie). You mean the book is better, Steve?