The Right Coast

November 30, 2003
Dale Amon gets it
By Tom Smith

You probably saw this already on instapundit, but it bears repeating.

The interesting irony is that it will be hard for the Western press to blame the US for Iraquis purging the Baathists. And unless it can be turned into an anti-US story, it will hardly be covered at all. Also, journalists will not want to be embedded (in bedded?) with the Baathists when bullets start flying in their direction. And it's yet another reason for the UN not to be involved. While you may not actually have to be in the act of committing genocide to be protected by UN peacekeepers, it helps. The UN in Iraq is shorthand for giving the Baathists a screen from behind which to carry on its terror campaign. Anyone they kill while the UN dithers would be, of course, a victim of American arrogance and incompetence.