The Right Coast

October 17, 2003
Taming the Poodle
By Tom Smith

Why did the U.S. get what it wanted at the UN? As usual, American press coverage of the event is equal parts spin and misdirection, aimed more at convincing readers this was not a real victory for the U.S. than explaining the behind-the-scenes politics. To me it looks like the Colin Powell made it clear that if the Security Council did not pass the resolution, then that would be the end for meaningful U.S. participation in the "process," which would effectively mean the end of the U.N., at least in Iraq. Why else? We made no meaningful concessions. And it is not as if European politics have shifted recently, as far as I can tell. As the WSJ explained in their editorial today (subscription required), France and Russia flat out capitulated to U.S. demands. Why? The language of the editorial hints they know something they're not telling. Something quiet and deadly serious happened in the background here and as usual the media is missing the story in their haste to recast events as something they're not.